When the meteor that killed the dinosaurs hit, a dinosaur actually hitched a ride on one of the pieces of debris that was launched into space and then entered hibernation. Now, millions of years later, that space rock has crashed down onto Earth. The Dinosaur awoke from its hibernation and mated with a crocodile to give birth to the Crocodinosaur species. You are a descendant of the first Crocodinosaurs, and you are determined to get revenge on time traveling Mecha-Hitler who was in fact the one who went back in time and sent the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.

Made in 4 days for the GMTK game jam.


Silver - Programming, music, level design, game design

brotherKAINE - Art

More lore (spoilers):

Mecha-Hitler's backstory: Hitler survived World War 2 and fled to Argentina, where he then launched off into space and built an underground base on the far side of the moon. For decades he prepared for his next attack on Earth. He augmented his body to make him live far longer than any unmodified person could. He built a gargantuan Mecha suit that was taller than most skyscrapers. Then, almost a century after his defeat in World War 2, he returned to Earth and overthrew the US government. A civil war broke out but unfortunately, evil triumphed and the rebels couldn't defeat Mecha-Hitler's army of robots and Republicans. It was a grim time for America, and the rest of the world. Having full control over what used to be the United States, he soon sought to finish what he had started in World War 2. He launched an invasion of Russia, and unfortunately, winter didn't stop him this time, because winter didn't exist anymore because of global warming. Soon enough, Mecha-Hitler had conquered the world. Washington DC was renamed to Hitler DC and was the new capital of Mecha-Hitler's empire. Just when all hope seemed lost, during Mecha-Hitler's victory speech, a meteor flashed in the sky. Hitler's propaganda network framed this event as a good omen and an indicator of how bright the future will be under Hitler's reign. But it was in fact the beginning of Hitler's demise.

This meteor contained the last living dinosaur in existence, known simply as The Dinosaur. The Dinosaur emerged from the wreckage and mated with a crocodile. The Crocodinosaur species was born. This illusive and highly intelligent species had an inborn hatred of Mecha-Hitler for going back in time and killing the dinosaurs. One of the Crocodinosaurs, known to humans as simply The Crocodinosaur, was different from the rest. He had an insatiable hunger for flesh, and a burning hatred for Mecha-Hitler. He could eat, and eat, and eat, and eat and only grow bigger. He was built to scale. He raided cities and ate their inhabitants, and neither cops nor military could stop him. He grew big enough to knock over buildings. He rampaged through Hitler DC, destroying everything in his path. And eventually, The Crocodinosaur and Mecha-Hitler came face to face. A fierce battle broke out, with fireballs and lasers lighting up the sky. It was the battle of the century. But Mecha-Hitler knew he was outmatched. Once it became clear that he couldn't defeat the sheer might of the Crocodinosaur, he tried to blast off into space, but the Crocodinosaur leapt up and slammed him back down to the ground. He was finished. The Crocodinosaur delivered one last fatal punch to Hitler's mecha core and a nuclear explosion destroyed the city.

With Hitler DC destroyed and the government in shambles, the rebels retook control of America and reestablished democracy. The Crocodinosaur became a legend. It was hotly debated whether the Crocodinosaur was real or the attack on Hitler DC was just a rebel attack. Academics, intellectuals and scientists claimed that a crocodile-dinosaur hybrid was impossible. But the common folk believed in the Crocodinosaur. The world recovered from Mecha-Hitler's terrible reign. Humanity was thriving, all thanks to the sheer force of nature known as the Crocodinosaur.

Updated 25 days ago
Published 26 days ago
GenreAction, Platformer
Tags2D, Dinosaurs, Singleplayer

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